27 Nov 2020 11:58

New campaign encourages Belgians to defeat the corona virus as 1 team of 11 million players

In the run-up to today's Consultation Committee, the federal government launches a follow-up campaign calling on all citizens to persevere, as 1 team of 11 million players. The campaign asks all Belgians to strive for the same goal together, to not let go of each other and to collectively defeat the coronavirus.

The strict corona rules for our country that we have all followed over the past month and a half are starting to show their first tentative effects. The number of infections is declining, and the number of hospital admissions is going down as well.

Yet the battle is not over yet. The pressure on hospitals remains extremely high and the virus is still far too widespread. Now everything comes down to getting through the difficult winter months in the best possible way. This is only possible if we do not let go of each other and all do our part - just like team players do.

The campaign message is clear: only together can we beat the coronavirus. We can help our healthcare heroes by performing small heroic deeds ourselves: sticking to the rules and helping each other whenever possible.

A real people campaign

The campaign draws a parallel with the sense of unity we all recognize in Belgians’ favourite sport: football. The spot, recorded in our national football stadium, shows a strong team.  Not only actors participate, but also Belgian citizens who contribute to the fight against the coronavirus. A nurse, a firefighter, a son, a Red Flame player, a Chiro leader, a mother with a baby… Together they symbolize Belgium’s population of 11 million people. Each of them has his or her own corona story, each of them has a reason to persevere and defeat the coronavirus.

The campaign will run until the end of January, on all major TV channels, in all national newspapers and on social media. Tomorrow, people will also find a page size ad in their newspaper they can use as a poster. The large “tifo” (tribune cloth) we show in the spot will also be on display in the streets of Antwerp and Brussels, among others.

Motivating and informing

In addition to this motivational campaign, an information campaign has been running for several weeks now, repeating the basic corona rules on radio, TV, social media and municipal channels. This information campaign has been running since mid-October.

Some testimonials from campaign participants

Aline Zeler, ex-captain Red Flames

“It's a mental fight for everyone, including athletes. It is necessary to exercise, to maintain a positive mindset in this health crisis. I try to make everyone aware to follow the mandatory measures, both in my family and for myself. “All together” in daily life and on the pitch is the best leitmotiv.”

David Vandenbulcke, planner-coordinator medical assistance at Defense

“For me, a team is the sum of individuals who are all looking in the same direction. In a team each individual can count on the other whenever necessary.”

Guy De Bondt, emergency nurse and coach at emergency center 112

“To beat the coronavirus, trying our best is not good enough. We all have to do what we have to do. Simply follow all the rules.”

Iris Van der Auwera, head leader Chiro Far West (Vilvoorde)

“I think we only can beat the coronavirus together. Just like we do in Chiro: work as a team, all the time.”

Jérôme Massart, hospital emergency plan coordinator CHR Sambre et Meuse

“Good things happen in hospitals every day. We should be proud of small successes, not just big ones. As a result, we remain positive and we retain energy. For me, forming a team means everybody looks in the same direction and works towards the same goal.”

Michiel Gon, care provider CLW

“I do my part and see a lot less friends and family. I stay in touch online, instead of face-to-face. And: I made my own mouth masks, to make sure there is no waste.”

Tom Cleymans, volunteer firefighter

“We can beat the coronavirus together if everyone thinks the same way and respects safety precautions. If not for yourself, then to protect others.”

Download the film, tesitimonials and various campaign materials