22 mei 2012 17:27

Vicepremier en minister van Pensioenen Vincent Van Quickenborne opent Europees congres actief ouder worden en intergenerationele solidariteit, 23 mei 2012 (10.00u)

Vicepremier en minister van Pensioenen Vincent Van Quickenborne opent morgen woensdag 23 mei 2012 in Brussel het 7de Europees congres van het European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP).  Congresthema is de rol van sociale verzekeringsinstellingen bij actief ouder worden en solidariteit tussen generaties.

Rijksdienst voor Pensioenen, Zuidertoren, Brussel

09.00-10.00 Registratie en koffie


  • Welkom en opening - Franz Terwey, Voorzitter European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP)
  • “The European Year 2012 and European Innovation Partnership on active and healthy ageing” -  Paola Testori-Coggi, Director General, European Commission, DG SANCO
  • Vincent Van Quickenborne – Vicepremier en minister van Pensioenen

 11.15 -12.30 Ronde tafel 1 - “Healthy ageing, adapting European health systems and the role of health insurers”
Voorzitter: Michel Régereau - CNAMTS, Paris, France

  • Maria Iglesia-Gomez - European Commission, DG SANCO “The European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing”
  • Evert Jan van Lente - AOK-Bundesverband, Berlin, Germany “10 years’ experience with disease management in statutory health insurance in Germany”
  • Jan Van Emelen - MLOZ, Brussels, Belgium “Cross-border action towards case management and integrated care”

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-15.15 Ronde tafel 2: “Active ageing and the work environment”
Voorzitter: Albert de Bruyckere - ONP/RVP, Brussels, Belgium

  • Josef Wöss - Vienna Chamber of Labour, Austria “Tackling the ageing challenge: the labour market as a key determinant”
  • Rebekah Smith - BUSINESSEUROPE, Brussels, Belgium “Employers’ role in stimulating active ageing”
  • Edith Perlebach - DGUV, Sankt Augustin, Germany “Working healthier longer: the role of the statutory accident insurance in Germany”

15.15-15.45 Koffie

15.45-17.00 Ronde tafel 3: “Social inclusion of older people through active participation in society, intergenerational solidarity and independent living”
Voorzitter: Esther van der Storm - UWV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • Anne-Sophie Parent - AGE Platform, Brussels, Belgium “Ensuring a smooth transition from employment to active retirement and a dignified old age”
  • Bernard Casey - University of Warwick, UK “Working beyond retirement: explaining a UK phenomenon”
  • Albert Lautman - CNAV, Paris, France “Targeted actions to promote independent living and social inclusion of older people in France”

 17.00-17.15 Slotspeech

  • Franz Terwey - President ESIP

 17.30-19.00 Receptie

Engels, Frans, Nederlands